Project History
Bringing the history and importance of the rule of law in America to the students of today is a difficult task. We must not fail to accomplish this task if our country is to successfully face the challenges of today and tomorrow. The John Marshall Foundation created its award-winning Justice in the Classroom program to enhance the teaching of history, government and civics for our children with the conviction that we must rely on the rule of law for our country to flourish.
Lesson Plans & Videos
Everything a teacher needs to teach key people, events, and cases from the birth of the nation through the development of the Constitution and the establishment of the federal judiciary. In this site, you will find multi-media and lessons that include: graphic organizers, activities, primary source documents, web-based media, and pre- and post-assessments, all based upon national standards and Virginia Standards of Learning. Lessons are easily organized into chapters, grade levels and subject areas.
Includes high tech and low tech options. Information found in one location-a great resource.