High School
Lesson Plans & Videos
Justice in the Classroom | Rule of Law & John Marshall
4 Chapter Four:
Chief Justice Marshall's Court and Cases
(1800 - 1835) John Marshall raises the judicial branch to be co-equal with the executive and legislative branches by the concept of judicial review and establishes the Constitution as the supreme law of the land.
High School: National Standards
NSS-USH.5-12.4 Era 4 Expansion & Reform (1801-1861)
NSS-C.5-8.3 Principles of Democracy
U.S. History - Chapter Four - Lesson Plans
Virginia Standards: U.S. History
VUS.5d The Impact of John Marshall’s Precedent-Setting Decisions That Established the Supreme Court as an Independent and Equal Branch of the National Government.
Marbury v Madison
McCulloch v Maryland
AP U.S. History - Chapter Four - Lesson Plans
Standards: AP US HISTORY
Key Concept 4.1: B) Supreme Court decisions established the primacy of the judiciary in deter- mining the meaning of the Constitution and asserted that federal laws took precedence over state laws.
Landmark Cases of the John Marshall Court (1801-1835)
AP U.S. History - Chapter Four - Marshall the Man Who Made the Supreme Court
Standards: AP US HISTORY
Key Concept 4.1: B) Supreme Court decisions established the primacy of the judiciary in determining the meaning of the Constitution and asserted that federal laws took precedence over state laws.
NSS-USH.5-12.4 Era 4: Expansion & Reform (1801-1861)
NSS-C.5-8.3 Principles of Democracy
Landmark Cases of the John Marshall Court (1801-1835) NOTES
Marbury v. Madison: Video Resources
Dartmouth: Video Resources
McCulloch: Video Resources
Gibbons: Video Resources
Cherokee Cases: Video Resources
Performance Based Assessment (PBA) - U.S. History & AP Government
SOL Skills Measured
VUS.1 The student will demonstrate skills for historical thinking, geographical analysis, economic decision making, and responsible citizenship by
a) synthesizing evidence from artifacts and primary and secondary sources to obtain information about events in Virginia and United States history;
c) constructing arguments, using evidence from multiple sources;
d) comparing and contrasting historical, cultural, economic, and political perspectives in Virginia and United States history;
e) analyzing multiple connections across time and place.
The Impact of John Marshall's Landmark Cases PBA
Government - Chapter Four - Lesson Plans
Virginia Standards: GOV'T
GOVT.10b How did the Supreme Court gain status equal to the other two branches of the federal government?
GOVT.10e How does the federal judiciary influence public policy expressed in legislative acts and executive actions?
Marbury v Madison & Judicial Review
AP Government - Chapter Four - Lesson Plans
Standards: AP GOV'T
CON-2.B.2 The balance of power between the national and state governments has changed over time based on U.S. Supreme Court interpretation of such cases as McCulloch v. Maryland (1819).
CON-5.A.1 The foundation for powers of the judicial branch and how its independence checks the power of other institutions and state government are set forth in Marbury v. Madison (1803).
Landmark Cases of the John Marshall Court (1801-1835)
McCulloch: Video Resources
Materials are top-notch! Love the historical case vs. modern case info. Love the embedded video and information.